Poisson D’Avril
David Irvine will be presenting all new “Redirected” artwork at the Flying Pony café gallery http://flyingpony.ca/ for the month of April 2015. Join David on April 4th 2015 for opening night from 5pm-9pm and chat with him personally.
Opening night takes place in a “redirected” independent coffee shop gallery that will be “redirected” into a well-known coffee franchise in keeping with the April Fools art theme. As well as free coffee and donut holes, opening night will feature a rare performance by magician, Trevor the Amazing. Ask yourself, “How many art openings have I been to that feature a magician in a fake coffee franchise? Poisson D’Avril exhibition will be on display for all of April. Environmentally friendly art.
David Irvine has been refining and pushing the boundaries of “redirected” art with a unique and original spin almost as long as his good friend, Marcel Duchamp. David’s quirky and very popular style is created by repurposing prints or original art that has been redirected from thrift stores or found at yard sales and painted upon using his own style of creativity. Seemingly random subject matter often skewers sacred cows including pop cultural references, political comment, the camp and the absurd, often combining all these elements to create truly original art pieces.
Over the years David’s work has gone viral multiple times thanks to social media websites and a personal endorsement from George Takei. A direct result of this coverage has been a rise of collectors from Australia, Europe, Japan and the United States.
Prints and other merchandise of Irvine’s work is available for purchase on Redbubble http://www.redbubble.com/people/gnarledbranch and originals can be viewed on Etsy https://www.etsy.com/ca/people/TheGnarledBranch as well as his personal website www.gnarledbranch.com
Media / Print References
1. In Touch Magazine - http://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/artist-from-the-gnarled-branch-recreates-thrift-store-paintings-by-adding-movie-characters-check-it-out-41222
2. Swallow Daily - http://swallowdaily.com/2014/08/small-town-artist-goes-viral/
3. Bored Panda - http://www.boredpanda.com/re-directed-paintings-david-irvine-gnarled-branch/
4. Twisted Sifter - http://twistedsifter.com/2014/07/thrift-store-painting-remixes-by-david-irvine/
5. HLN TV - http://www.hlntv.com/slideshow/2014/07/30/thrift-store-paintings-david-irvine-gnarled-branch
6. George Takei - http://instagram.com/p/rSy-Y-uTRS/
7. Yahoo News- https://screen.yahoo.com/artist-remixes-thrift-store-paintings-215032987.html?soc_src=default
8. The Observer (UK) - newspaper interview
9. Guardian UK - newspaper review
Media Appearances
CP24- in studio interview
Innerspace via The Space Channel - program segment
CHCH TV - in studio interview
For more information, please contact David Irvine at [email protected]
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